Please notice that the download of publications is available only for those that have been published. As a general policy, I prefer to avoid spreading unpublished works. However, if you are interested in a particular preprint, please do not hesitate to contact me.
1. Squassina, M. & Zuccher, S. 2016 Introduzione all'analisi qualitativa dei sistemi dinamici discreti e continui. Springer, ISBN: 978-88-470-5791-3.
Top28. Guan, H., Zuccher, S. & Liu, X. 2025 Topological cascade of quantum Borromean rings. Physics of Fluids, accepted.
27. Zuccher, S. & Ricca, R. L. 2022 Creation of quantum knots and links driven by minimal surfaces. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 942, A8.
26. Caliari, M. & Zuccher, S. 2021 A fast Time Splitting Finite Difference approach to Gross-Pitaevskii equations. Communications in Computational Physics, 29, 1336-1364.
25. Zuccher, S. & Caliari, M. 2021 Accurate numerical determination of a self-preserving quantum vortex ring. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 54, 015301.
24. Guan, H., Zuccher, S., Ricca, R. L. & Liu, X. 2020 Topological fluid mechanics and its new developments. (In Chinese, online English translation at this link). Scientia Sinica: Physica, Mechanica et Astronomica, 50, 054701.
23. Zuccher, S. & Ricca, R. L. 2019 Momentum of vortex tangles by weighted area information. Physical Review E, 100, 011101(R).
22. Caliari, M. & Zuccher, S. 2018 Reliability of the time splitting Fourier method for singular solutions in quantum fluids. Computer Physics Communications, 222, 46-58.
21. Zuccher, S. & Ricca, R. L. 2018 Twist effects in quantum vortices and phase defects. Fluid Dynamics Research, 50, 011414.
20. Zuccher, S. & Ricca, R. L. 2017 Relaxation of twist helicity in the cascade process of linked quantum vortices. Physical Review E, 95, 053109.
19. Caliari, M. & Zuccher, S. 2017 INFFTM: Fast evaluation of 3d Fourier series in MATLAB with an application to quantum vortex reconnections. Computer Physics Communications, 213, 197-207.
18. Caliari, M. & Zuccher, S. 2017 Quasi-Newton minimization for the p(x)-Laplacian problem. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 309, 1, 122-131.
17. Zuccher, S. & Ricca, R. L. 2015 Helicity conservation under quantum reconnection of vortex rings. Physical Review E, 92, 061001(R).
16. Caliari, M. & Zuccher, S. 2015 The inverse power method for the p(x)-Laplacian problem. Journal of Scientific Computing, 65, 2, 698-714.
15. Allen, A. J. & Zuccher, S. & Caliari, M. & Proukakis, N. P. & Parker, N. G. and Barenghi C. F. 2014 Vortex reconnections in atomic condensates at finite temperature. Physical Review A, 90, 013601.
14. Zuccher, S. & Luchini, P. 2014 Boundary-layer receptivity to external disturbances using multiple scales. Meccanica, 49, 2, 441-467.
13. Zuccher, S., Caliari, M., Baggaley, A. W. & Barenghi, C. F. 2012 Quantum vortex reconnections. Physics of Fluids, 24, 125108.
12. Zuccher, S. 2009 An experimental study of the liquid film on a vertical wire under the action of an impinging annular jet. Experiments in Fluids, 46, 2, 309-322.
11. Caliari, M., Loffredo, M. I., Morato, M. L. & Zuccher, S. 2008 Cubic Nonlinear Schödinger Equation with vorticity. New Journal of Physics, 10, 123020.
10. Zuccher, S. 2008 Experimental investigations of the liquid-film instabilities forming on a wire under the action of a die. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 29, 6, 1586-1592.
9. Squassina, M. & Zuccher, S. 2008 Numerical computations for the spatial segregation limit of some 2D competition-diffusion systems. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 18, No. 1, 83-104.
8. Zuccher, S. & Saric, W. 2008 Infrared Thermography Investigations in Transitional Supersonic Boundary Layers. Experiments in Fluids, 44, 1, 145-157.
7. Zuccher, S. & De Ponte, S. 2007 Post-Stall Motions Evolving Toward Chaos. Journal of Aircraft, 44, No. 3, 833-844.
6. Zuccher, S., Shalaev, I., Tumin, A. & Reshotko, E. 2007 Optimal Disturbances in the Supersonic Boundary Layer Past a Sharp Cone. AIAA Journal, 45, No. 2, 366-373.
5. Luchini, P., Quadrio, M. & Zuccher, S. 2006 The phase-locked mean impulse response of a turbulent channel flow. Physics of Fluids, 18, 121702.
4. Zuccher, S., Tumin, A. & Reshotko, E. 2006 Parabolic Approach to Optimal Perturbations in Compressible Boundary Layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 556, 189-216.
3. Zuccher, S., Bottaro A., & Luchini, P. 2006 Algebraic growth in a Blasius boundary layer: Nonlinear optimal disturbances. European Journal of Mechanics B 25, 1-17.
2. Zuccher, S. 2005 A novel measurement technique for the study of wire coating instabilities. Experiments in Fluids 39, 4, 694-702.
1. Zuccher, S., Luchini, P. & Bottaro A. 2004 Algebraic Growth of Blasius Boundary Layer: Optimal and Robust Control in the Nonlinear Regime. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 513, 135-160.
Top7. Zuccher, S., Shalaev, I., Tumin, A. & Reshotko, E. 2006 Optimal Disturbances in the Supersonic Boundary Layer Past a Sharp Cone. AIAA Paper 2006-1113.
6. Zuccher, S., Tumin, A. & Reshotko, E. 2005 Optimal Disturbances in Compressible Boundary Layers - Complete Energy Norm Analysis. AIAA Paper 2005-5314.
5. Zuccher, S., Luchini, P. & Bottaro A. Nonlinear Optimal Disturbances in a Blasius Boundary Layer and their Control, In: Hydrodynamic Stability and Flow Control, ed.: P.J. Schmid, SIAM, Philadelphia, USA.
4. Zuccher, S., Saric, W., Reed H. & McNeil, L. 2003 The Role of Infrared Thermography in the Study of Crossflow Instability at M=2.4. In Proceedings of the 7th Triennial International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization. Sorrento, Italy.
3. Zuccher, S. & Luchini, P. 2002 Time-Dependent Optimal Perturbations for the Algebraic Instability in the Nonlinear Regime. In Proceedings of the 2002 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division FED, Volume 257, Issue 1 B, 2002, Pages 1387-1393. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
2. Zuccher, S. & Buchlin, J.-M. 2001 Liquid film instabilities in die coating process. In Advances in Coating Processes. Proceedings of 4th European Coating Symposium 2001, Free University of Brussels, Belgium.
1. Buchlin, J.-M. & Zuccher, S. 1999 Liquid film instability of wire coating. In Advances in Coating and Drying of Thin Films. Proceedings of 3rd European Coating Symposium 1999. University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
Top14. Zuccher, S. 2022 Evolution of quantum knots driven by minimal surfaces. Topological Methods in Mathematical Physics, 2-6 September, 2022, Erice, Italy. Video of the talk.
13. Zuccher, S. 2016 Cascade process of linked quantum vortex loops. Helicity Structures and Singularity in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics, 11-15 April, 2016, Venice, Italy.
12. Luchini P., Quadrio M. & Zuccher S. Phase-locked linear response of a turbulent channel flow. ERCOFTAC European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, April 10-13, 2006, Ischia, Italy.
11. Zuccher, S., Tumin, A. & Reshotko, E. 2005 Optimal Disturbances in Compressible Boundary Layers - Complete Energy Norm Analysis. 4th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Meeting, 6-9 June, 2005, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Slide show - 99 pages. For printing purpose download the condensed version).
10. Zuccher, S., Saric, W., Reed H. McNeil, L. & Mönttinen, J. Transition Detection in Supersonic, Swept-Wing Flows. 56th Annual Meeting of American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 23-25, 2003, New Jersey, NJ, USA.
9. Zuccher, S., Saric, W., Reed H. & McNeil, L. The Role of Infrared Thermography in the Study of Crossflow Instability at M=2.4. 7th Triennial International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization. Sorrento, Italy.
8. Zuccher, S., Luchini, P. & Bottaro A. Nonlinear Optimal Disturbances in a Blasius Boundary Layer and their Control, Joint Summer Research Conferences AMS, IMS, SIAM, Hydrodynamic Stability and Flow Control, July 6-10, 2003, Snowbird Summer Resort, Utah, USA.
7. Zuccher, S., McNeil, L., Bennett, E., Saric, W. & Reed, H. Experiments on Laminar Flow Control at Mach 2.4 using Distributed Roughness, 55th Annual Meeting of American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 24-26, 2002, Dallas, TX, USA.
6. Zuccher, S. & Luchini, P. 2002 Time-Dependent Optimal Perturbations for the Algebraic Instability in the Nonlinear Regime. 2002 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
5. Zuccher, S., Luchini, P. & Bottaro A. Optimal Perturbations and Control of Nonlinear Boundary Layer, 54th Annual Meeting of American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 18-20, 2001, San Diego, CA, USA.
4. Zuccher, S. & Buchlin, J.-M. 2001 Liquid Film Instabilities in Die Coating Process. 4th European Coating Symposium 2001 - Advances in Coating Processes, Free University of Brussels, Belgium.
3. Zuccher, S. & Luchini, P. Boundary Layer Receptivity to Acoustic Waves Interacting with Wall Roughness, 3rd ERCOFTAC SIG 33 Workshop - New and Emerging Techniques for Transition Prediction, April 27-28, 2000, Ravello, Italy.
2. Buchlin, J.-M. & Zuccher, S. Liquid Film Instability of Wire Coating, 3rd European Coating Symposium 1999 - Advances in Coating and Drying of Thin Films, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, September 7-10, 1999, Erlangen, Germany.
1. Zuccher, S. Post-Stall Chaotic Motions, Summer School - Turbulence: Theoretical Concepts and Industrial Applications, September 7-12, 1998, Como, Italy.
Top3. Zuccher, S. 2002 Receptivity and control of flow instabilities in a boundary layer, Ph.D thesis, Politecnico di Milano, Milano.
2. Zuccher, S. 1999 Liquid film instabilities of wire coatings, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Bruxelles.
1. Zuccher, S. 1997 Moti Caotici Post-Stallo, Master Thesis, Politecnico di Milano, Milano.
Top5. Zuccher, S. 2007 Numerical simulation of spatial-segregation phenomena for some competition-diffusion systems, Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, Italy.
4. Zuccher, S. 2007 Fluid dynamics: what it is, what it is used for and its connection to applied mathematics, Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, Italy.
3. Zuccher, S. 2005 Transiently growing disturbances and their control in boundary layers, ETSEQ, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
2. Zuccher, S. 2005 Adjoint-based optimization for the study of transition and its control, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, US.
1. Zuccher, S. 2004 An adjoint optimization technique for the study of nonlinear optimal disturbances and their control, ETSIA, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain.
Top5. Burato, A., Chignola, R., Castelli, F., Corso, L., Pezzo, G., Zuccher, S. 2007 Matematica e radioterapia dei tumori. Sviluppo e applicazioni di un modello predittivo semplificato, I quaderni del Marconi - Quaderni didattici, Verona, Italy.
4. Zuccher, S., Caliari, M., Argentini, G., De Marchi, S. 2006 A study on premixed laminar flames, Dipartimento di Informatica, Rapporto di ricerca 46, Verona, Italy.
3. Chignola, R., Castelli, F., Corso, L., Pezzo, G., Zuccher, S. 2006 La biomatematica in un problema di oncologia sperimentale, I quaderni del Marconi - Quaderni didattici, Verona, Italy.
2. Zuccher, S. & Luchini, P. 2004 Boundary-Layer Receptivity to External Disturbances Using Multiple Scales, DIA-SR 04-01, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy.
1. Hanifi, A., Pralits, J. O., Zuccher, S, Donelli, R. & Airiau, C. 2001 Adjoint-based Sensitivity Analysis: Validation and Comparison. Technical Report TR 22, ALTTA Deliverable No. D3.1.4-2.
Top2. 200 MPH Is a Breeze, Aerospace/Defence Test, by Tom Lecklinder, 2007.
1. Understanding Turbulence In The Fast Lane at Mach 10 And Beyond, 2005.
6. Zuccher, S. 2013 La mappa logistica discreta: origine e comportamento [2.7Mb], Università di Verona, Verona, Italy.
5. Zuccher, S. 2010 Tra codici, cifratura e crittografia: il ruolo della matematica nell'arte di nascondere messaggi [6.5Mb], Liceo Medi, Villafranca di Verona, Italy.
4. Zuccher, S. 2010 Valentino Rossi: con o contro le leggi della fisica? [3Mb], Liceo Medi, Villafranca di Verona, Italy.
3. Zuccher, S. 2009 Cosa c'entra la fisica con la pasta al pomodoro? [2Mb], Liceo Medi, Villafranca di Verona, Italy.
2. Zuccher, S. 2009 La ricorsione in matematica: da Fibonacci al chaos passando per pi-greco [4Mb], Liceo Medi, Villafranca di Verona, Italy.
1. Zuccher, S. 2008 La fluidodinamica: cos'e` e a cosa serve. Esempi tratti dalla vita di tutti i giorni e non [6Mb], Liceo Medi, Villafranca di Verona, Italy.
Top1. Zuccher, S. 2006 Una proposta di discretizzazione dell'equazione di Gompertz, MatematicaMente, No.103, Maggio 2006, Verona, Italy.